Sometimes Angels come with Ginger Fur.

Seven years ago my daughter arrived home with a tiny ginger fur baby. He was curled up on her shoulder hiding under her hair which was the same colour as his fur.This little fur baby had been found crawling out of a ditch out in the fens by her brother and his friend.

She named him Jaffa and he quickly became a much loved member of our family. At his first vet check up we were told that he was probably about four weeks old when found and that the love and attention she had given him had saved his life. The two of them became pretty much inseparable. When Huni left the house to travel or go to college Jaffa would hang out with whichever adult was home until she returned.He always knew when she was on her way home and would stand on the window sill waiting for her to walk down the road.

He was a cheeky cat always ready for a second breakfast ,or a third or a fourth. Basically anyone who entered the kitchen was worth a try for more food! He was a prolific hunter and usually ate what he caught despite being well fed! It wasn’t always a pleasant experience walking into the kitchen and stepping on the entrails of his left overs! Occasionally we would have to shut him away whilst we helped a mouse escape back into the wild.

Jaffa had a lot of character. From high fives to beard rubs with my husband and being awoken by him stroking your chin cos it’s daylight and that means breakfast! No Jaffa not at 4 o’clock in the morning it’s not! Last year I was left home alone with my fur babies whilst everyone else was off travelling either for work or pleasure.Winter is not my favourite time of year, lack of sunlight really gets to me and Jaffa decided I needed cheering up so he woke me a 3am by jumping on the bed and patting my chin til I opened my eyes. Then he ran to the end of the bed jumped to the floor and stood mewing at me until I went to look. As I looked bleary eyed over the edge of the bed he literally held out his paw and proudly presented me with the gift of a dead vole.” Ta da there you are Mum I love you”.He was so proud and it was so sweet.

Jaffa was at times all Ginger Tom and Fen cat and at others the sweetest most loving fur baby I’ve ever met and I’ve always had pets. He was my daughters best friend and familiar and their bond was incredible.

On the eve of the Spring Equinox Jaffa went out for his usual night time stroll and within 30 minutes of leaving the house got attacked by two terriers. My neighbour had let his dogs off the leash and they had cornered our beloved fur baby. By the time my husband and daughter got to him and pulled the dogs off he was in a bad way. As my husband carried him to the house he took his last breath and died in his arms.My husband and my beautiful daughter both fell apart and we all went into shock. My husband went and got the dogs owner to come and see the damage they had done and to be fair he came and was visibly shaken and distressed.

He left and we wrapped Jaffa in a sheet to keep him warm (crazy but thats shock) and laid him on the kitchen table. The kittens were put to bed in another room whilst we sat and cried and tried to make sense of what had happened.We decided to keep him in the house as we didn’t want to leave him outside in the dark. Eventually after endless cups of hot sweet tea we went to bed but I couldn’t sleep.I kept thinking about the viciousness of the attack and how awful it must have been for him. I got up thinking I’d light a candle and as I opened the bedroom door I could hear my daughter retching in the bathroom as the shock kicked in so we went downstairs together and sat in the kitchen with more hot sweet tea. We lit a candle and sat with Jaffa and talked about him and his ways and what we would miss about him. His body was beginning to smell so we sprayed him with Frankincense . As the candle burned we both felt a shift and it came to me that we were sitting vigil as his spirit gathered itself together ready to leave. There was so much love in the kitchen as we sat either side of him and we knew we had to wait for daylight before we could move his body outside.

As daylight approached and the birds began to sing we moved our precious baby to the caravan in the garden to rest safely until we could bury him later that day.We buried him at sunset on the Spring Equinox .

It has taken three days for us to work through the shock. We haven’t worked until today. My daughter and I didn’t eat until yesterday .I was in such shock that I didn’t even think to get the homeopathic remedies out until after we’d laid him to rest in the garden.

Some people think its crazy to be so distressed by the death of a pet but to us its like losing a member of the family. The owner of the dogs admitted that he knew they chased cats and that one of them doesn’t come back when called and that just makes it worse. Jaffa was killed because the owner didn’t think and take responsibility for his dogs.He has said that he will not let them off the lead now unless they are out in the woods or across the fields so hopefully this has been his wake up call.

I took my daughter out to lunch because she needed to get out of the house and as we sat looking out at the river she said “I’m in mourning. How long does it last?”

As she spoke I realised that we are all in mourning and that it takes as long as it takes. We have lost animals before but always through old age or sickness and always with time to say our goodbyes. Over the past five years as a family we have dealt with a lot of deaths. All of these deaths were difficult and through all of them Jaffa cat was there with his love and his cuddles, and his needless death has hit us really hard.We are getting used to it now but I am going to miss him. I will think of him on sunny days when I look out of my office window and he is not on the shed roof sunning himself. I miss his mew as he comes through the cat-flap at dinnertime.I will miss him being on the window sill waiting when I get home from a day out or a trip to the super market.Most of all I will miss his high fives and his cuddles at the end of the day. He was the best fur baby. he taught us how to serve him well and these skills will benefit the kittens now.I woke up this morning with the song “In the arms of the Angels” playing in my head and knew that he is being cared for.

He was our Beautiful Ginger Fur Angel and irreplaceable.

Ancestral Karma

I have been running courses in Numerology here at my home and am really enjoying sharing my knowledge with others. As the courses progress I find that we often end up exploring the deeper aspects of Numerology as a result of what comes up in the charts we work on.

Recently one of my students was working on her own name numbers when she discovered that she had one of the higher vibrational numbers. Sixty six was the number of her whole name. There are several different views on these higher numbers. Eileen Connolly teaches that they are Karmic replay numbers and to some extent I would agree with that. However for me they simply bring the opportunity to clear some kind of karmic debt or obstacle or obligation that has been holding us back.

Sixty six is the number of family and of right relationships.To work through this energy we need to look closely at the energy of six which often reflects traditional family values and parenting methods. To find a key to work with we need to add the two numbers together which gives us the number twelve. This number reminds us of the importance of being strong within the self whilst at the same time being aware of the needs of others and treating others fairly.If we add the numbers one and two together we get Three. The magic number of creation and creative energy. Three is also associated with parenting skills but with a different approach. Three brings a love of love and recognition that we need to let our hair down and enjoy life.

So to work through the karmic energy of sixty six we need to work with the creative energy of three which enables us to break free of the boundaries of six and go with the flow.

The young woman in question had spent the last two winters trying to build a better relationship with her father and her brother.

The number sixty six reduces to twelve and so we can expect the Karmic issue to take twelve months to clear. As twelve reduces to three then we may expect a three month perios where we recognize the issue for what it is. This young lady had spent two six month intervals working through these issues before coming to the course.

As we looked at the numbers involved and the energy these numbers bring to the situation there was a huge breakthrough and recognition that this issue actually went back through several generations.This beautiful daughter of the universe had chosen to be the person to break the cycles that this family had been trapped in for years.As she recognised this and saw the bigger picture there was a big release of emotions and a great love for the people in her life.On an energetic level this released a lot of old energy that was no longer needed.

At this point the whole group rallied round and all joined in sending healing to all the people involved in this karmic obstacle.

The young woman’s relationship with the family is much lighter and brighter and everyone involved seems less burdened since she had her breakthrough.She realised that it was OK to not get along with the men in her family as long as she released them with love. She no longer worries that she is different and doesn’t really fit in with their lifestyle. They have their path as she has hers.

So if life is really tough and no matter what you do or how hard you try nothing seeems to improve ,then you may well be clearing ancestral karma.

If you would like me to look at your numbers and help guide you through the issues please message me .I offer ancestral readings for £45.



As a Numerologist and Energy healer I have been seeing a lot of people going through really big changes this year. The end of the Mayan calender in 2012 brought us to the end of the masculine reign and the return to our connection to the Divine feminine. The recent unusual planetary alignments and Sun spot activity seems to have been bringing many old patterns to the surface.Many of us have found ourselves returning to past issues, issues we thought we had dealt with.We are being shown these issues again in order to truly see what these things taught us so that we can let them go. Many people have found themselves in the midst of bizarre happenings within family settings and again this is a clearing process. We are not only letting go of our own issues but in many cases we are also healing Ancestral stuff.This is old out dated energy patterns that have been passed down through generation after generation and it is up to this generation to break these cycles of behavior. If we are to survive we need to raise our level of vibrational energy in order to do so.

Some people are a little further along in the process and so are beginning to sense and feel changes within themselves. I spoke to one of my favorite people today and she said she feels as though she is hiding in her skin and that her face doesn’t actually fit inside the skin of her face almost as though she is an alien.Many of us are feeling these feelings.Doreen Virtue in her work about the Indigo and Crystal children speaks of this and suggests that perhaps some of these children may have been incarnated on different planets in previous lives. Maybe this is in fact the case. Personally I have always believed there is more intelligent life out there. If we read the articles circulating on the internet we find messages from other life forces and higher realms telling us that we are changing, that we are moving into a higher vibration, a more crystalline vibration and maybe  that is the case. Some of us are feeling aches and pains in our limbs and muscles.Some are feeling really tired as though we need to hibernate, some of us feel as though we are cocooned in a chrysalis waiting to emerge as a higher vibrational being.Some like my young friend feel that we don’t fit our bodies.We are bigger in spirit than our bodies.As spirit we are all connected at the energetic level.So as the Earth changes so we change.We are re-becoming, this is the word I was given this morning. So as we re-become we need to listen to our bodies.We need to remain connected to both the Earth and the Universe.We need to connect with Nature, to walk with the Trees and to touch the earth and give ourselves time to rest when we need to.

Vision september 2013

Vision/Dream September 15th 2013.
I am floating in space. Two very tall beings come and stand to either side of me. We are on a viewing platform .They point and I find myself looking down at Earth. There are storm clouds gathering around the globe. We zoom in and I sense/feel the energy of these clouds which are made of Fear, of sadness, of heartache, of Confusion. I look around and I “see” people standing on the ground. They have tendrils like root fibres winding down their bodies into the earth below their feet where these roots connect to a ball of earth energy. The Earth Star connection is very important for this time(this is passed to me telepathically).
We are back on the viewing platform and I see that these people have light moving through them and this is being observed by The Watchers (?). When a light dims they send energy until it becomes bright again. This is the only help they are permitted to give.
I am zooming in again and find myself on the ground. This intense mix of energy pours through me. It is a Rage and for a split second it scares me and then I “remember” it is not my rage. I am told to” Be the rage, do not fight it. Allow it through you but do not allow it to be a part of you.”I feel sadness, the heartbreak of grief of loss of loneliness and it is overwhelming and then I am told “Be grief, do not fight it. Allow it to flow through you but not to be part of you”.This goes on through the layers of anger and indignation always with the same message.
I am back on the platform and we zoom in and I “see” a group of women in a forest. They have luminous auras and the Trees also have luminous auras. I am intrigued to see that the Trees have chakras just as humans do. I did not know this. As I watch each woman finds her tree and links with it through one of its chakra points. They join in quiet communion and I am shown energy flowing between them and down through the roots and up through the branches.We return to the platform and again zoom in and I see a man/ a monk sitting on a mountain top. Prayer flags move in the wind. He sits in psilence and I can see light pouring in through the crown of his head and love pouring out through his heart. Tendrils of light connect him to earth.
Back to the platform and now I realize or am allowed to see that we are on a ship of some kind. It is the shape of a Torus and I have been here before. The walls pulsate and I know they are made of energy which is created by the thoughts of the Beings at my side. I am led to another platform and here the light is different. There is a stillness, a sense of awe and wonder. I know I am to be shown something special. We zoom in and I can see a circle of women sitting on the ground. Each has tendrils of light connecting to their earth star and each star has tendrils of light which connect to the core of the planet. Each woman holds a Drum and as they beat their drum they face inwards. They are holding the rhythm and the heart beat of the great mother Gaia. These are the Grandmothers.
Sitting behind each woman is a man. The men sit facing out and also have tendrils of light connecting to earth. The men also have a beam of light which connects them to the centre of the universe. This comes in through the crown and into the heart centre. Each Man also holds a Drum and they are holding the Heartbeat of the universe. These are the Grandfathers connecting to Father Sky.The Drummers are connected by threads of light and they drum in perfect harmony and hold the Balance.I am told “This is the potential for the completion of your worlds journey through the birth portal”
I am taken to the centre of the ship where a huge waterfall of light flows through the middle. Here I am given the following information. All that you have seen is as is. At this time it is important that those of you who choose to work with us allow yourselves to be a conduit for the rapidly changing energies that create chaos. Trust yourself, stand firm within your being, each day connect to your Earth Star and love yourself, forgive yourself. Allow your you to simply BE “I step into the light (this time without my daughters help and without fear) and am back in my bed.This is what has been revealed to me. Make of it what you will.Namaste

Letting go of old patterns which hold us back.

There are times in life when we experience traumatic things which rock our foundations and throw us off balance. When that happens we tend to store the experience within our memory and also within our cellular structure.We can find ourselves creating barriers to protect us from experiencing similar happenings.Usually we are not aware that this is what we are doing and so we get into the habit of repeating the lessons over and over again.As the energy around us changes and we become more open to universal energies and begin to connect more deeply to the spiritual self, we begin to understand these patterns in a different way.Often we can trace the patterns back to a specific event and often we can pinpoint a specific lesson. As we move beyond Ascension we need to let go of these patterns as to hold onto them and continue to allow them to hold us back simply prevents our growth.

For me personally the lesson seems to be about betrayal and trust.Some of this may well go back into previous lifetimes and yet these issues have held me back in my journey through this lifetime.Many years ago I had an epiphany (for want of a better explanation)I was at a festival and suddenly experienced a total connection to everything. I felt a surge of energy pass through my body from the top of my head down through my feet and back up and out through my head again.I know now that this was the kundalini energy spoken of by yogis.It was an incredible experience which had a profound effect on me and started me on my spiritual path.But even though I knew it was significant it took me a long time to trust my own judgement.Several years later I had a past life connection with someone which was so intense that I just couldn’t bear to be out of this mans presence for a moment! I walked out on my marriage taking my child with me to be with this person only to have him leave me two weeks later for someone else! Did he leave because I didn’t trust the relationship connection? Probably!

This lack of trust in my own judgement and choices seems to have been a recurring theme throughout my life.Because of it I have attracted into my life people who have consistently let me down or betrayed my trust over and over again.So now as the vibrational energies rise I find myself contemplating this issue and asking myself why this lesson keeps appearing .How do I break the cycle? The answer seems to be that to break the cycle I have to make a stand and actually trust my self and acknowledge my self worth.What I have found myself doing in the past is that everytime this happens I close a part of my heart.It is as though by doing this I think to prevent myself from the recurring disappointments .What actually happens when we close down is that we stop growing and we forget to love the self as well as closing ourself off to others. So now I have a dilemma. How do I prevent this event from re occurring and yet keep my heart open and continue to trust myself and those who are close to me? Part of me feels I should walk away from those who continuously hurt me by betraying me and part of me feels that it is important to forgive and to “let it go”.How do I let it go and still have enough faith to trust the people around me or is it that when it comes right down to it the only person we can truly trust is the self?

As if in answer to this dilemma I recently came across a copy of Greg Bradens book The lost mode of Prayer. In the book Greg talks of letting go but in letting go with a Blessing. When we recognise the lesson and then give thanks for it and offer blessings to it we release the karma of it, we release the need to experience it again and can then move forwards much lighter within the self. I don’t know if the people in my life will ever be honest with me but by blessing them I surrender to the possibility that maybe this is their lesson and not mine! In releasing and letting go I give myself permission to grow.In loving and trusting myself I set myself free.


Star of David


July 29th 2013 sees an unusual alignment in the heavens which is known as a Star of David.

 It is a rare and unique occurrence which is receptive in nature  and influences the Heart centre leading us to a greater understanding of the power of love. This star is believed by many to have been the “star” the wise men in the Bible followed to find the baby Jesus. It is associated with the birth of Kings and it is thought that people born under its influence have a greater chance of fame and success. I have been feeling for some time that I should write about this especially as it occurs on a day number six. However I see this as yet another stage in the ascension process ,which enables us to raise our energies again and as such I feel this will be a unique experience for everyone.

This year we have had 3 super moons which have enabled us to look at old emotional hurts and to “let go ” of them in order to move forward as lighter beings. Many of us have found ourselves dis connecting from certain people and re connecting with those who we chose to work with at this time. In my work recently, and in my own life, I have seen many having to move away from earthly family and connect with soul family. For some this change is very difficult. We have pre conceived opinions of the responsibilities we carry and so to recognise that we no longer need to carry those responsibilities is a powerful lesson. However this shift in consciousness, this change in our energies is very much about connecting to true self, connecting to that inner spark of all that is which resides within each of us ,and allowing that inner spark to become a bright flame which lights the way for ourselves and those around us.

This Star of David or Merkerba alignment can be seen as a profound spiritual gateway which opens completely on the 31st.It is the heliacal rising of Sirius and with  Grand Trines placed in Earth and Water it is very feminine energy. The day number six also represents feminine energy and enables us to connect with the Divine feminine or Earth mother energies. This connection to the Divine Feminine links in with the Mayan Prophesies of the end of 2012 . Some believe it to represent the opening of a star gate which enables those sensitive’s who work as channels to download Galactic Cosmic energy. Whatever you personal belief this alignment encourages us to “let go” of old emotional baggage and old negative thought patterns in order to work at a higher level of unconditional love.

These Grand trines enable us to be cleansed and cleared in order to embrace the new energies coming in. I spent some time today meditating on this Star of David and was shown a cleansing fire pouring through the centre of the star of David cleansing everything it touches as it flows through. What came in after the fire was a calm pure light which radiated love and healing.

The energy of this day will affect each of us in a unique and individual way depending on where we are along our soul journey. I would love to hear your thoughts on this and to share your feelings on the day.

Death and letting go.

In the past 18 months my personal family have had to say goodbye to 9 people between us.Four of these were elderly Grandparents and step Grandparent to my children.One was an elderly but young at heart friend and colleague who I had the great pleasure to work with on several occasions and who had become a close friend. One was a girlfriend who I hadn’t seen for a while but our children were babies together and we spent a lot of time together in those early days of Motherhood and it is always sad to say goodbye to someone younger.Then there was a beautiful baby girl ,the daughter of a young friend who was absolutely devastated at her loss.More recently a distant friend and my friends son who at 22 was far too young to go.

For me the most difficult passing’s to deal with were the 22 year old and the baby because their lives were just beginning and just getting to the peak .

When my ex mother in law passed there was no funeral service to go to so my daughter and I decided that we would go for an old fashioned cream tea and light a tea light to mark the time of cremation.By a strange twist of fate we ended up sharing our cream tea with a group of women one of whom was a Soul midwife whose job is to help the transition of the soul.It was quite moving and beautiful and I’m sure Gran would have approved.

For my dear old friend there was a small but beautiful service followed by a gathering at the pub.Again I think he would have approved.

My Mum’s funeral was really beautiful and all the family played a part in making it really personal.The grandchildren lit candles and two of them read out a poem.We made our own flowers and prepared food for the wake and sang her favourite hymn.She is remembered with a bird box in the woodland walk at the crematorium and I know she would have loved that.

I learned a lot last year about death and about grief and of the many different ways in which we deal with grief. For me I had a few days of intense sorrow (helped by the appropriate homeopathic remedies) and then realized how for Mum it was actually a blessed relief.Her quality of life was such that she really didn’t want to be here anymore.So I feel happy for her.I also feel happy for the other grandma and the two grandpas and my dear friend who now walks with the ancestors.

I feel sad for the younger people whose lives have been cut short as their light is sorely missed and they were bright shining lights.

Some of us cry a lot and hang on to belongings and rituals and can not let go.

Some of us felt anger and snapped at each other.

Some felt helpless and confused.

All of these feelings are normal. We should not judge ourselves or others by how we react to death .In many countries death is celebrated and people are encouraged to mourn publicly and this seems to me a healthy approach as it is allowed out instead of being repressed as it tends to be here.

In India where a friend lives they burn the body on sweet scented herbs and wood and celebrate that persons life. They wear bright colours and dance and play music.

Here we are expected to suppress emotions in public which can not be healthy and leads to all kinds of problems. We get so bound up with the rituals and protocol that it becomes either impersonal or too personal.We expect everyone to act the same which is impossible.We are each individuals who have our own unique way of processing loss. What I have learned is that the people who leave are still here in our hearts and memories and their essence or spirit is around us all the time.We can connect to that love anytime we wish to.

So there are no rules in how to process grief. There are seven well documented stages but that doesn’t mean we will all go through them all or even in the same order.All any of us can do is deal with it in whatever way it comes.We just have to work our way through it. Obviously if we can pull together and support one another it is a little easier but ultimately we each have to work through it alone and in our own time. For some that will be only a few months ,for others it may take years and some unfortunate souls will never recover fully from the loss of a loved one,but life goes on and we have to keep moving, keep growing and be our own person.

In my case some members of my family were not able to cope and so I lost two sisters and their families as well as my Mum.Some stupid misunderstanding on their part became this huge horrible assault which just kept coming until eventually the only choice was to walk away.No matter what I did or said it just got twisted and thrown back like daggers through my heart.So I am learning now to stand alone within my own light and my own space.

I am realizing that this is my karmic path, to walk through what is left of my life essentially alone and to not be upset or hurt by that.

I chose a solitary path and though I have walked with some amazing people along the way and learned some incredible things ultimately my only responsibility is to my self and to spirit.So I walk with spirit now everyday and everyday I am shedding more and more of the old me and stepping more fully into my own self.

I am learning to allow my light to shine and to not get caught up in the worry of what others may or may not think of me.I have my moments where letting go is painful and I resist but all in all I am lighter and beginning to feel much happier in my life.I am also realizing that if others do not like me as I am that’s their problem not mine.

I think my Mum and my old friend would be proud.Found this yesterday so thought I’d share with you.

Here is what I know, have been taught: when we experience a birth or a death in our circle, we can consider ourselves to be walking around on energetic stilts. You don’t have to say a word, others feel the transition. You are in expansion and recalibration when moving thru birth and death. What I was taught is that awareness of this energetic stilt effect can be balm enough. Just know that you, because of your terrific loss, are marked, blessed, special, and you are in a different place than the stranger ahead of you at the store check out. You have different realities you are aware of. Not everyone is carrying your depth. Not everyone can be in your sacred place. Honor your road of adjustment. In some Indian cultures, following the death of a family member, the survivors’ heads are shaved. It is a mark of mourning. I like it. It sets the mourner apart, gives the mourner context and meani.g and recognition. We used to wear black arm bands. I think these echo what I came to know: we are altered by loss, and it is just the way of it. It will pass, the expansion.

666 The Number of the Beast OR of Man?

06/06/2013 (6) is 666 often referred to as the Number of the beast. There is much speculation about the Beast being revealed on this day and other such predictions but what does the energy of this day really hold?

Personally I just don’t see the Beast emerging.Certainly not as a devil with horns and a fiery fork anyway! In my opinion the beast has already emerged as is evident in the state of our world.Conflict, Greed, Injustice, Poverty, Hunger ,all things which are unnecessary in the 21rst century. No one should be hungry or homeless and we should be aware enough to live in harmony.

666 is actually the number of Man or of Human and so reveals the potential within us all to be Human or Beast. 6 +6+6 = 18 1+8 = 9 Man.

Six is also the number of female energy and for me that is what this date is all about.For the Maya and the Inca and many indigenous peoples the prophesies surrounding 12/12/12 and the end of the Mayan calender was that we would enter a new age where the Divine Feminine would come to the forefront. We would be given the opportunity to return to a more feminine way of living and being, co-operation instead of conflict. 06/06/2013 is also one year since the Venus Transit of last year. Venus ,the Goddess of Love brings a more loving connection between people. For me 06/06/2013 brings opportunities for the planetary family to connect on a higher vibrational level.

When we add up the numbers 6+6+2+0+1+3 =18 = 9  we have the completion of a cycle which began this time last year.When we complete the cycle we have the opportunity to continue onto a new cycle, to start again with fresh energy to move forward.Nine is also the number of Man ,of Humanity and brings Passion and Compassion and Honesty.

There are many groups connecting now through the internet and social networking sites who are linking together energetically to send healing to the planet and to people. There are more people speaking out about injustice and making their voices heard. The world is changing because it has to. We have to raise our energy ,we have to be awake and aware if we are to survive.For me 6/6/6 is about recognizing our connection to the Earth and to the Human family. One Race, Human. One home.,Earth. 

Six is also about personal relationships and friendships and many people now are finding that their relationships are changing. Some are growing and changing for the better and some are not. A lot of spiritually awake people are finding themselves drawn towards their soul group or other like minded people. These are often Karmic links to souls we are to work with at this time. We chose to be here now to be a part of the shift and so it is up to us to connect with our inner true self. Everything we need, all the information we need to do the work ( blessings to my old friend) is encoded within our memory either within our DNA or our Genetic or Ancestral memories.Many will be drawn to visit sacred sites to energize the self and to offer help and healing to Mother earth. Many will be led to other places where they will find they feel very much at home. The energy of the place itself will resonate on a soul level.All of these connections no matter how small or short lived are important and have a part to play in the shift.We are all Light workers, we all carry a spark of the Divine ,we all carry a link to the Source of all that is be it God or whatever name you choose.So this magical date for me is about allowing our light to shine.It’s not always easy especially in these difficult and challenging times to be bright, but we need to stand firm within our own self, to be the self and to share our light.More importantly we need to live and speak our truth and to help each other.

So 666 is for me the number of the Goddess , the Mother.

Ascension Activation or Vision ?

I am laying on my bed comfortable and relaxed. There is a dinner plate sized round light above me. This light is on a track and has a soft diffused light which is kind to my eyes. It moves on the track and scans my body from my feet to my head and back to my feet. It hovers and stops at each of the chakras. It stops for a moment and then moves until it is over my Core Star where it begins to pulse and as the light gets stronger I begin to feel vibrations deep within my being. I feel my cells being shaken and adjusted. The light moves to my Thymus and again it intensifies until I feel the vibration deep within my cells. I am being adjusted and activated on a cellular level.

The light travels down my body and stops. I look to the left and in a mirrored surface I see a face. I think it is my face and then realize it is not me. It is an ancient face with large slanted eyes and high cheekbones. It has a long thin straight nose with tiny nostrils and a thin small mouth. The cheeks are sunken the skin colour is like no colour I have seen but very pale. The eyes are kind, compassionate. This is an old friend and I am not afraid.

I hear my daughters voice in my mind”if you want to get off follow me”

She leads me telepathically along corridors and we creep stealthily through rooms where people are sleeping. I know these people are actually much smaller and lighter than the bodies they inhabit. I realize the ship is shaped like a Torus and when we get to the middle it is filled by a huge stream of light and my daughter tells me to step into it. I am afraid and so she floats up through the light and grabs my hand and pulls me into the light stream. We float gently to the ground and I am home. I somehow know that as we float through the light we are moving through dimensions and space and time. I am amazed that she can ride the light but she tells me she does it all the time and I realize that she is a guide.

I awake the next morning feeling lighter and brighter than I have in a long long time.


Number 13 Lucky or Unlucky.

13 Lucky or unlucky ?

There has always been much speculation about the number 13. Many believe it to be an unlucky number to the point where we have buildings with no thirteenth floor (obviously it is there but numbered differently) and hotels who do not have the number 13 as a room number. This is believed to come from the story of the last supper where 13 people sat down to eat before the Christ was crucified. It is thought by some that for 13 people to sit together is therefore unlucky.

However the Ancients believed 13 to be a powerful number and taught that he who understands the number 13 would have great power.

For me personally 13 is a lucky day as this is the day my beautiful daughter was born.

As a Numerologist I look at the numbers individually. 1 represents new beginnings, a fresh start and an ability to rise to new heights. 3 is the number of creative energy, of manifestation and of life and love and the dance of life. Therefore 13 represents an opportunity to rise above the problems of the past and truly begin to create a new exciting future. When we add the two numbers together and reduce to a single digit we get 4 which is traditionally the number of grounding and of earth and of order and structure and so enables us to bring the energy of 13 to an earthly level to be used in a practical way.

13 is the represented in the Tarot as a skeleton wielding a scythe or Death which in Tarot represents endings and beginnings. Closing the door on the old to make room for the new.

This is a powerful number which carries intense vibrational energy which if used in the wrong way could have a detrimental effect on the person. The secret to working with the energy of this number is to accept change gracefully. It often brings upheaval so that new ground may be broken and is also associated with high intellect or genius.

If this is the number of your day of birth then you may find that you have a strong karmic connection to the people who are close to you. You may have chosen to be here at this time in order to help someone to fulfil their karmic journey. If this is the case then any day which reduces to 4 ( i.e. 13, 31, 22 ) should provide additional energy and opportunities to help you on your path.

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